Ann Arbor plays itself in "Answer This!"

As a University of Michigan alum, part of the reason I really liked the feature film Answer This! was because most, if not all, of it took place in Ann Arbor, and locations were easily recognizable.

The locations in Answer This! included:

University of Michigan locations:
-The Cube (see above poster) - near the Union on campus.
-School of Natural Resources and the Environment - where English 401 classes are held. Paul (Chris Gorham) and Naomi (Arielle Kebbel) meet in the Diag (center of campus) right outside this building; she is trying to find the building, which, of course, is right in front of her.
-Angell Hall - Paul's English 401 discussion class is held here.
-Rackham School of Graduate Studies - a memorable scene with Paul and Naomi was here. What was pretty funny was that they enter the front doors of Rackham, and walk through a library's reading room - actually the fabled Law Library reading room - and then end up in the stacks, which are actually in the Graduate Library. Three different Michigan locations, but one building in the film.
-The Law Quad.
-Michigan Stadium ... during an actual football game (Western Michigan game, 2009). Apparently they set up a camera in the aisle way to get the shots of Gorham and Kebbel and also a few of the field and players. I just noticed by watching this clip that they weren't sitting in the student section, either (you'd be standing if you were in the student section ... they stand the whole game).

Non-campus locations:
-Paul's parents' house, which is actually located in Scio Township.
-Ashley's (bar). Most of the trivia scenes take place here.
-8 Ball Saloon (near the Blind Pig). One trivia scene happens here.
-Zingerman's. There's a scene where Gorham and his trivia friend James (Nelson Franklin) are eating gigantic sandwiches outside, and we briefly part of a sign that says INGER in the background ... gotta be Zingerman's, famous for its expensive and delicious creations.
-S. State St. / E. Liberty St. Ironically enough, the trivia boys are walking down Liberty St. when they are headed to Ashley's for trivia ... if it wasn't a movie, they would be heading in the wrong direction, as Ashley's is on State St.
-Paul's house. Not on campus, but must be in Ann Arbor somewhere, as it has that distinguished "look" to it.
-Espresso Royale, South University. Paul and James, and later Izzy (Evan Jones), meet here for trivia team practices. In one scene you do see that one of the cups they are drinking out of says ESPRESSO on it as well.
-Exterior shots of some bars where, presumably, trivia semi-finals are held ... one includes the now defunct The Full Moon, formerly Monkey Bar, and which is now The Ravens Club.

Answer This! is currently playing at Emagine Novi and in Grand Rapids, and you can check it out in Ann Arbor next week, at the Michigan Theater, as well.

                                                                ^ Answer This! trailer

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