Sweet Relish Sunday (#2 of 4)

sweet relish
So now that we know what Sweet Relish is, and what you can use it for, let's jump in to week two of four of
this series.

As you may or may not know, I am not a fan of scary movies. Suspenseful movies, I can handle - movies like The Shining, which brings the crazy but doesn't have as much gore - but "slice and dice" movies are not my thing.

Using Sweet Relish, I made a list called "Scary movies for people afraid of scary movies," and I chose six movies that popped into my mind for the list. They are:
  • The Shining. Both the book and movie were fantastic, and Jack Nicholson is utterly creepy as a writer who goes insane while living as a hotel caretaker with his family in a remote location. I first watched it when I was 16, at a birthday party, and may have had few nightmares; however, I return back to the movie because it's so good.
  • The Sixth Sense. Maybe you got the twist ending, but I didn't, until the very end. And the girl ghost hiding under the bed still scares me.
  • Carrie. They're actually making a remake of this to come out this year, with Chloe Moretz in the title role and Julianne Moore as her mother, but I don't think it's going to live up to the original; the original, with Sissy Spacek as Carrie, was utterly creepy. Not scary - but creepy.
  • Fright Night (2011). I haven't seen the original version of this, but Colin Farrell was a sexy vampire in this version, and it was actually more comedic than I thought it would be. This one was a little gory, especially in 3D, but it was doable for me for the most part.
  • The Grey. Looking back on this, I'm not sure why I gave it a "Maybe" review, because I also gave it 3.5/5 stars. I own it on Blu-ray but it's probably not one I'm going to be watching over and over ... it's scary because it's so realistic, especially the airplane crash at the beginning.

Check out these movies and where to buy them on my Sweet Relish list, and stay tuned next Sunday for my next list, 10 Must See Book-to-Movie Adaptations.

What are your favorite scary movies, and are you a "scary movie person"? (can you handle watching scary movies?)

*Disclosure: I was compensated for writing a series of blog posts about Sweet Relish and using their site to compile lists. The opinions expressed here, however, are my own.

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