Movie Review - Mechanic: Resurrection

The Mechanic
came out in 2011, and had a great cast - Jason Statham and Ben Foster as the leads, along with Donald Sutherland. In Mechanic: Resurrection, Statham's character is back, but the plot is completely different and also definitely more muddled.

Arthur Bishop (Statham) is "officially" a dead man, but in fact is alive and well. When Mr. Crain (Sam Hazeldine) finds out he's alive, though, he kidnaps a woman that Bishop has become fond of, Gina (Jessica Alba), in order to convince him to carry out three hits for him; these are complicated murders, as well, since two of the men are very rich and one is in an Alcatraz-like prison on an island. Bishop has no choice but to attempt and carry out the murders, though, otherwise Crain will kill Gina.

The backstory here was very tenuous, and definitely could have been executed better. Alba's character was sent to kill Statham, by Crain, because Crain has something on her - I think the film said that he was going to kill the children at the school in Thailand where she worked, or send them away for human trafficking. The gist of the plot was Statham carrying out the three murders, and because of this, there were a lot of really good action scenes; since the plot is so all over the place, these scenes are what saved the film for me.

Maybe see this movie. As a summer "popcorn" movie, it's not a bad choice; it starts off kind of blah, but then gets better after the first 30 minutes or so. I'll watch Statham in anything he's in, so it was fun to see him back in this role; to be honest, I didn't remember the 2011 film that much, but after reading my review, I did, because it had a lot of twists and turns in it - Mechanic: Resurrection doesn't have anything like that. Tommy Lee Jones also has a small role in the film, as one of the rich men that Statham's character must murder, and he was a bright spot in the movie; Statham was good here too, of course, but this role is similar to all of the roles he plays. I'd recommend this film for a fun action movie or night out, but it's one that you probably won't be thinking about long after the credits roll.

Mechanic: Resurrection is in theaters today, August 26th, and is rated R with a runtime of 109 minutes. 3 stars out of 5.

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