Movie Review: The LEGO Batman Movie

Movie review: The LEGO Batman Movie, Yes/No Films

I saw The LEGO Movie back in early 2014 when it came to theaters, and it was definitely a unique concept - LEGO figures come to life, singing and talking. The signature song from the movie, Everything is Awesome, was very catchy, too. The LEGO Batman Movie is a little darker (although still rated PG), and while it has a good message, I found it more entertaining as an action movie versus a comedy.

The film opens with Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) saving the city, yet another time, from the Joker (Zach Galifianakis). The Joker, however, is unsatisfied, because although he's escaping from Batman, yet again, Batman won't admit that the Joker is his #1 enemy. The Joker devises a plan to make Batman miss fighting him, and although both Batman and the new Commissioner Barbara Gordon (Rosario Dawson) know that something's up, they aren't quite sure what his plan is.

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne attends the old Commissioner's retirement party, where he meets the new Commissioner, and accidentally agrees to adopt an orphan, Dick (Michael Cera), who is thrilled to find out that Wayne has such a large house - and, oh yeah, Batman lives in the basement.

"Fanboys" will find a lot to like here - there are a lot of random villains thrown in like the Eye of Sauron (from Lord of the Rings) as well as a quick appearance by a LEGO Voldemort (from the Harry Potter series). There are also a few references to Batman shows of yore, which are fun, and other movies like the recent Suicide Squad. However, although the movie went by quickly for me, I only chuckled a few times at the humor sprinkled throughout.

Maybe see this movie. To be fair, as a 30-year-old woman, I doubt I'm the target audience for these types of films - but that being said, although I didn't review the first LEGO Movie, I did enjoy it, and I found The LEGO Batman Movie to be lacking in areas where the first movie excelled. If you're a Batman fan from any generation, though, you might like this film, and therefore, for that audience, it's worth giving it a watch.

The LEGO Batman Movie is in theaters today, February 10th, and is rated PG with a runtime of 104 minutes. 2.5 stars out of 5.

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