The Friday Five, 10/26/18: 5 things I've been up to this week
I spent the majority of this week wrangling with people on the phone—something that ALL millennials love (/sarcasm)—because I was supposed to receive a shipment of medication like a week ago. It took the pharmacy until THIS THURSDAY to get it to me. Needless to say, I was not pleased.
What I've been up to this week:
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Home Chef Turkey Burrito Skillet, topped with sour cream |
What I've been up to this week:
- Hanging out with friends. Despite the fact that I still have a fever (like literally for THREE WEEKS NOW ... seriously???), I've been plying myself with Tylenol and leaving the house now and then. Last Friday, an Ann Arbor friend came to visit, and we tried out Loaded Links, in Troy, which you can read about here. That Saturday, two other friends and my A2 friend and I went to Rochester Brunch House for brunch and then to Yates; unfortunately, it was hailing and very cold there, so we took the cider & donuts back to my place ... only to get home and have the power go out. Which brings me to ...
- Having no power. The power decided to go out around 1:45pm on Saturday, and last until about 6:45pm, so I had to throw out a bunch of groceries in the fridge. My A2 friend and I went Halloween shopping instead of watching the UM-MSU football game as we had planned, and later, I had an impromptu dinner with another friend, since I needed to go out and get food somewhere.
- Cooking. I tried out EveryPlate last week and it was actually pretty good—it's on par with Dinnerly, in that it's $38.95/week, but they do give you printed out meal cards. I do feel like Dinnerly gives you more food choices, though (6 versus 5, technically). EveryPlate has a Groupon going on right now for $18.93 for one week's worth of meals, though, and if you wait until Groupon does its 20% off deals, it would only be $15.14, which IMO is a great deal. For this week, I got a Home Chef delivery, and so far have cooked their Turkey Burrito Skillet, which was okay.
- Seeing First Man, and being angry at MoviePass.... My boyfriend and I saw First Man last Sunday, which I thought was very interesting—I like historical movies a lot—but also veryyyyy slow, and long, with a runtime of about 2 hours and 20 minutes. Both Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy were great in it, though.
Two days after that, though, MoviePass decided to change which theaters are e-ticketing theaters, and they yanked MJR Troy (and all MJR's, as well as Goodrich Theaters) off of it, so now there are literally no movies to see by me ... which means after this month's billing period, I will most likely be switching to AMC's A-List program. The A-List program gives you 3 movies per week, and you can reserve tickets/seats ahead of time, as well as see movies in 3D or IMAX. The only bummer is you can ONLY go to AMC theaters ... John R by me is quite nice (it has recliners) but the other ones, the Forum and AMC Livonia, are quite a drive. - Needing a flu shot, but not being able to get one yet. You aren't supposed to be sick when you get one, so because I've had constant fevers, I have been waiting. My company covers quite a few locations for us to get them at, so I will probably do Target, hopefully sometime next week, because they give out $5 gift cards when you get it done there.