This is not a good start to October. On Saturday, my boyfriend started feeling sick, and then the next day, I was sick. I have been sick since then and it's about the most miserable I can remember feeling in a long time. I am picking up some medicine today, finally, so I'm hoping that helps ... it's some sort of virus, I think.
Power Center, Ann Arbor |
What I've been up to this week:
- Seeing Alec Baldwin in Ann Arbor. BP (Before Plague ...) on Saturday, I was supposed to go with my boyfriend to see a dramatic reading of Death of a Salesman at the Power Center, on UM's campus. He was already plague-stricken at that point, though, so I ended up going with a blogger friend. Alec Baldwin did a great job—I only wish they let us take pictures!
- Dining at Eddie V's. Also "BP," six other Yelpers and I dined at Eddie V's again on Friday night. The last time we went was during Troy Restaurant Week, and no one was really happy with the service ... a few people called the restaurant to give some constructive criticism, and the restaurant actually ended up inviting us all back, on the house, which was extremely generous. We had a dining credit of $125 each, so I went all out and ordered the 22 oz. ribeye (!) which I then parlayed into like three meals, ha. I'm not a seafood person but the rest of our party enjoyed various seafood appetizers and meals, too.
- Cooking. Even though I haven't really had an appetite this week, we cooked a Marley Spoon beef udon recipe on Sunday, which was quite tasty, and I cooked a Marley Spoon steak and sweet potato recipe this week too. I also received a Hello Fresh delivery so I have those three meals to cook later.
- Seeing a movie. We saw The Wife on Sunday, even though we were both sick, and I really enjoyed it ... I'd give it 4/5 stars. I was supposed to see a screening of Venom on Wednesday, in Novi, but had to decline. I'm hoping to see a movie or two this weekend but it will depend if I'm up to it or not.
- Trying to get through the week. I really don't have a #5 for this week, so I'll leave this here instead. This has been one of the most miserable weeks I can recall, in recent history, so I'm hoping next week will be better. :/
22 oz. ribeye steak at Eddie V's! Extremely flavorful. |