The Friday Five, 4/24/20: 5 things I've been up to this week

End of week 6 of quarantine. Our governor is expected to extend the stay-at-home order until mid-May, but some stuff may open up May 1st (mostly outdoorsy things, like golf courses, etc.).

Bakery goods from Panera Bread

What I've been up to this week:
  1. Doing takeout/delivery. Probably too much, to be honest, but oh well. Last Saturday after my infusion, I got Panera Bread curbside takeout, and I was very impressed with them; I didn't even have to "check in" via the link they emailed, I literally pulled up to the curb and someone was out with my order. They also threw in a free muffie (muffin top), which was great. On Tuesday, Wing Snob in Sterling Heights was offering five free wings, so I stopped by there and also ordered some garlic parmesan fries, which were delicious. On Wednesday, I did delivery from KouZina, in Royal Oak, since they were offering free delivery and I was craving chicken lemon soup; the food was tasty, but it was still kind of pricey. 
  2. Cooking. I received a Home Chef box this week (for free - thanks to two readers who used my referral link!), and Dinnerly last week. My first HC recipe this week was chicken piccata, and it came out ... okay. That's one of my favorite dishes usually but they subbed in penne for angel hair, for some reason (super odd, because on the recipe picture it showed angel hair, too), and it wasn't quite as good. Next week will be Dinnerly again, they've been giving me a lot of good deals lately. (and if you want my Home Chef link, click here - you get $35 off your first box! Making it only $25. Great deal.)
  3. Trying new TV shows. I've specifically been trying to find a half-hour comedy I like, now that I finished Broad City on Hulu, and I think I've found two: Bless this Mess, on Hulu (but it's still on ABC right now too, so I bet Xfinity has it on-demand), and You're the Worst, also on Hulu. I also started watching Servant last night on AppleTV and it's SUPER creepy ... although I dislike horror movies/TV shows, I do like creepy shows, and I watched two episodes of this one so far and am intrigued. I also tried Home Before Dark, also on AppleTV, which has been compared to Veronica Mars, and it was okay, but not one I will probably stick with. Oh, and I binged Too Hot to Handle (Netflix) in less than 24 hours, haha! Light, fluffy TV with a ridiculous premise ... if you enjoyed Love is Blind (also Netflix), I'd recommend this one. 
  4. Driving to pick up masks. Yesterday I went on a bit of a drive, probably the longest one I've done in a while—a coworker friend had made some masks for myself and my parents, and I went to her house in Farmington to pick those up and also drop some stuff off for her (mailbox only, for social distancing). On the way back, I stopped at BJs for gas, and also went inside in the hopes of getting some Tyson chicken tenders and Yasso; they were out of Yasso, so I ended up with Breyers Cookies & Cream (delicious, but a little overpriced) and a big bag of Tyson wings. I was kind of surprised at how wiped out BJs was, though, so I'll stick to the smaller stores from now on. 
  5. Game night, trivia night, and video chatting with friends. Some friends and I plus my boyfriend have a standing Friday night virtual game night now, which has been fun, and last Friday other friends joined it too. On Sunday, I video chatted with two friends (and we found toilet paper for one friend, on!), and on Wednesday, another friend hosted a (non-video, audio only) trivia night. We each kept track of our own scores so it was on the honor system. I did pretty poorly, lol (about 20 points, and the winner had like 55 points), but it was fun and also I learned some new facts, too.
Chicken piccata, from Home Chef
Chicken piccata, from Home Chef

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