The Friday Five, 10/7/22: 5 things I've been up to this week

I'm currently writing this on TUESDAY (10/4) so some of the the things written below are tentative and may change, haha. I'm going to Camilla, GA from Wednesday through "today" (Friday) for a work trip, where I'll be learning about all things peanuts, and then Friday through Sunday I'll be in the Indianapolis area for a wedding.

Indian food from Aahar Indian Cuisine, Farmington
Indian food from Aahar Indian Cuisine, Farmington

What I've been up to this week:
  1. Eating out. On Friday night, one of my boyfriend's work friends was in town, so we tried out Aahar Indian Cuisine in Farmington. We have ordered Doordash before from there and it was good, although unfortunately on DD there was no way to indicate spice level (I can only handle mild, usually). It was very busy there and after we were seated we waiting about a half-hour for someone to come take our order; however, the food was excellent. On Saturday, my parents and I were going to order Little Caesars with the $3 T-Mobile coupon I had, but unfortunately their local one was randomly closed, so we did Hungry Howie's takeout instead, per usual. On Sunday, my boyfriend and I ended up at Kruse and Muer in the Village (Rochester Hills) for dinner, and I love their Michigan fettuccine (chicken, cherries, string beans, walnuts, in a dijon-cream sauce). 
  2. Attending the Michigan RenFest. We made the mistake of waiting until the very last weekend to go to RenFest, and it was bonkers crazy, traffic-wise, as I thought it might be. Gates opened at 10am (and parking opened at 8:30am) so my initial plan was to get there by 10am, but we ended up rolling up at around 11:45am, and because of that, had to wait two hours to get in off the highway. However, once we got in, it was a lot of fun—a coworker plays violin and her husband plays guitar and they have an act there, so I got to see them, and we also saw the joust and a few other things. Lines for turkey legs were unfortunately too long for me too, though, so I ended up having a reuben sandwich for lunch, some pretzel bites, and later, and apple cider. 
  3. Watching movies. On Friday, I saw The Woman King, in the theater, and I'd give that 4/5 stars—Viola Davis was excellent in it, as was John Boyega as the king. On Saturday, my mom and I watched Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+ (and I'm a big fan of the original), but unfortunately I thought this one was just okay; I'd give it 3/5 stars. 
    On Sunday night, my boyfriend and I watched the new Minions movie, on Peacock—I had actually seen it in theaters but took a nice nap during the middle third of it, oops—and on Monday, I saw Blonde on Netflix. That's a hard movie to rate—people have been complaining that it's not accurate as to her actual life, but it's based on the book version by Joyce Carol Oates, which is technically fiction, so therefore it doesn't really need to be 100% accurate, IMO. I'd probably give it 3.5/5 stars but it's worth checking out, despite it's 2h45m runtime. 
  4. Watching TV shows. I think I mentioned last week that I started Reboot, on Hulu, and it's pretty good. The Good Doctor returns this week to ABC/Hulu, and I'd like to check out Interview with the Vampire, on AMC, too, even though I haven't read the book/seen the previous movie. I also started the new season of Ramy, on Hulu, which is usually good, and I've returned to Trying season 3 on AppleTV+; I started it a while back but then didn't have time to finish. I'm also behind on Industry (HBO Max) still and one episode behind on Kevin Can F*** Himself, on AMC.
  5. Cooking. I ordered a Dinnerly box for last week and we still have one meal left, Kung Pao Chicken, which I believe we will cook tonight (Tuesday)—like I said, this Friday Five may be inaccurate on Friday, haha! It looks pretty good though and it's a good meal for me to have before my flight tomorrow morning, since it has no dairy.
Joust at Michigan RenFest
Joust at Michigan RenFest

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